Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last week for box tops, milk caps, and soup labels

Help your child win the face painting award. Bring in all of your box tops, soup labels, and milk caps by Friday, October 30. Mrs. Madsen I know you have milk caps hiding in that garage :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Good afternoon! It's been a very fast week, hasn't it! We've been busy walking our miles so we can win the Golden Shoe Award.
Friday, October 23rd, is our Virtual Fieldtrip. This is a majorly secret surprise so PLEASE dont tell your children. Thanks to Mrs. Pfeaster and Mrs. Pennington for volunteering to help us that day. I will post pictures as soon as I have a chance.
Lots of your children are using to practice their spelling words. Today's spelling test had a total of 18 students earning a 100%. YIPPEE
As the year goes on, students are starting to not bring their reading journals in. The reading logs count as a weekly reading grade so it's important that the journals are returned every day.
Just a reminder that there' s no school on Monday, October 26th. If you are looking to donate things to the classroom, art supplies would be great! Things like pipe cleaners, google eyes, feathers, felt, etc. are great for art projects.
Scholastic book orders are due October 30th.
Thanks so much for letting me have your children this year.

Friday, October 9, 2009

WHEW!!!! Boy are we tired! Wednesday was our Race A Thon and AJ won the trophy for Fastest Runner in 2nd grade! Way to go AJ! Today was our walkathon. We had lots of fun but who knew that 5 times around the building could make you so tired?

Our Virtual Fieldtrip will take place soon. In order for us to be prepared, we need 25 brown paper bags. If you could bring some in that would be a great help! Your students dont know what, or even when, we will be doing. It's a total surprise.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We won a virtual fieldtrip!

Our class was very lucky this week. Our name was drawn as the winner of the first Virtual Fieldtrip from our technology department! The students wont be told when or what they will be doing during the fieldtrip...this will keep our excitement up. We may need a couple of parents to help with this so if you are interested please let me know.

Wednesday is the Fun Run. If your child has paid their $5 they will be able to compete against other 2nd graders. The winner gets a trophy!!

Friday is our Walkathon. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes on Wednesday and friday.

Today is our Gold Medal Schools assembly. This will be a very entertaining assembly for both students and teachers.