Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The First Day of School

Today was wonderful! We spent the day learning our classroom rules and procedures and how they affect others. The class went to an assembly this morning to meet Mrs. Montgomery, our principal.

We drew our self-portraits this afternoon and they will be hanging in the classroom very soon :) We are working on our "All About Me" books and it's very interesting to see what your children think!

We did take a spelling assesment and a math-timed test to see where or strengths are. Tomorrow we will take a penmanship assessment.

Scholastic Book orders are due September 10, 2009.

It is an honor for me to be given your children for the day. I want you to know that they will have fun learning something new every day. I have no doubt that they are very tired tonight so feed them well, tuck them in, and send them back to school tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this blog update. It makes me feel so much more plugged into what is going on in my daughters day! Your awesome and thank you for your commitment to teaching our children ;)
